Automotive Embedded Software Development

The rise of the connected car requires from automotive companies to strengthen their expertise in embedded automotive software development to bridge the gap between a car and mobility ecosystem, as well as enhance vehicle performance based on the generated in-vehicle and beyond vehicle data.
Intellias offers multi-year expertise with automotive embedded systems and solutions for OEMs and Tier 1s, including architectural design and development of infotainment, navigation, ADAS/AD, cybersecurity and core vehicle systems.

Trusted by leading companies worldwide

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Our automotive embedded software development services

Intellias delivers embedded automotive software development services to enhance the component functionality of multimedia systems, in-car networks, telematics, ADAS, body electronics, power train ECU, and transmission ECU. Such broad automotive embedded software expertise is based on ASPICE certified processes and allows us to develop complex automotive embedded systems for ECU firmware updates, telematic control unit software, vehicle tracking systems, powertrain controller software, and other similar systems and components.

Car Comfort Functions

Car Comfort Functions


  • Embedded Linux
  • Android
  • Performance optimization
Car Networks

Car Networks

In-car networks: CAN, LIN, V2V, V2X

  • Real-time ethernet
  • High speed wireless
  • Energy optimization
  • Cybersecurity


HD Maps

  • Embedded Linux
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR
  • Functional Safety
Car Core Functions

Car Core Functions

Body Electronics
Power train ECU
Transmission ECU

  • Classic AUTOSAR
  • Low Power

Showcasing Intellias Capabilities in Digital Cockpit and HMI Solutions

Discover showcase
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