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The Infographics on Farming Technologies within Sustainable Ecosystem

AgriTech innovators should offer farmers a complete ecosystem of technologies to grow more food with less resources. Let’s look how.

Updated: December 12, 2023 1 min read Published: May 21, 2020

Global challenges like climate change and a growing demand for food are shaping the future of agriculture. These tremendous changes become the core motivation for farmers to adopt the newest technologies in agriculture.

AgriTech enterprises and startups have been doing titanic work to tailor specific technologies to farmers’ needs. But farmers are still waiting for the next big leap to remove borders between these separate technologies.

Where farmers previously required to spend time, money, and effort on adopting a new advanced technology in agriculture, a borderless ecosystem will offer unified access to the entire set of tools and services that perfectly work together.

Properly integrated into a single cloud platform, agricultural technologies can help farmers make profitable decisions. Such integration of technologies is critical for sustainable farming. In years past, farmers were able only to reflect on previous seasons to avoid mistakes in the future, relying on experience and historical data. In the future, they will access a long list of technologies within the sustainable ecosystem. 

Intellias infographics is focusing on the reasons and benefits of shifting to a unified ecosystem of farming technologies that will assist farmers in responding to global problems while sustainably growing profits.
The Infographics on Farming Technologies within Sustainable Ecosystem
To see the whole picture of how a tech ecosystem for sustainable agriculture with precision farming and indoor vertical farming solutions may look like, please download Intellias Whitepaper “Sustainable Agriculture: From Tech Solutions to Ecosystem”.

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