Telecom IoT consulting

Take a holistic look at the IoT adoption for your company. Whether you just embark on the Internet of things or already make your way through it, our IoT consultants can help you evaluate its feasibility, challenges, opportunities, and costs. Capture IoT business opportunities by rolling out IoT platforms, modules, and custom-built apps tailored to your clients’ needs.

Trusted by leading companies worldwide

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Our services

From embedded and connectivity solutions to comprehensive platforms backed by AI-based analytics, Intellias can build custom or integrate OOB IoT solutions for telecom companies. With your custom solution implemented, you’ll be able to manage your operational efficiency, set up processes, and provide visibility over departments by integrating IoT apps, mobile devices, cloud services, and physical objects into a hyper-connected ecosystem built around end users.

IoT consulting

Engage our experts in your current development process or involve them in IoT platform components selection process.

Full-cycle IoT development

Streamline your way from the initial idea to the ready-made solution with our end-to-end software development services covering all the stages of your IoT transformation.

User app development

Explore IoT data your devices provide and manage them on the go with the native mobile and web applications powered by intelligent UX.

IoT analytics

Unlock the full potential of real-time data by utilizing our extensive AI skillset to generate actionable insights and credible predictions.

IoT software enhancement

Leverage our engineering expertise to tune your current IoT platform or build custom software solutions to meet your new business objectives.

IoT integrations

Leverage our engineering expertise to tune your current IoT platform, build custom software solutions or integrate with OOB components to meet your new business objectives.

We’ll make our expertise work for you

IoT Center Of Excellence

Intellias has established Centers of Excellence (CoEs) to accumulate and increase expertise in specific areas in the IoT domain. We make the most of this IoT consulting expertise to help businesses reach their strategic objectives with Intellias faster. An IoT CoE unites employees who belong to different delivery units, departments, and projects to facilitate the exchange of expertise and experience across the entire organization.

Allocate top experts for the project to fit clients’ requirements

Assign dedicated engineers to solve non-trivial problems

Recognize strategic technologies to keep up with fast-paced changes

Consult at the early discovery stages of the development process

Benefit from communication and knowledge sharing among experts

How can we help you?

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